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General Liability/Products Appetite
We have a broad appetite for General Liability and Products/Completed Operations risks. Account types include:
- Manufacturing.
- General Services.
- Retail stores and shopping malls.
- Habitational inclusive of apartments, condos and hotels/motels.
- Construction – Practice, Projects and Wrap-Ups.
- Restaurants including Liquor Liability.
- Public Utilities.
- Stadiums and Arenas.
- Special Events.
- Rental Operations.
- Amusement and Recreational Facilities.
- Carve out.
Notable exceptions to the items listed above:
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (exceptions will be considered for over the counter).
- Nutraceutical Manufacturers.
- Invasive and Life Support Medical Products.
- Tobacco Products / e-cigarettes.
- Marijuana-related products.
- Chemical manufacturers not written on a Claims-made or Occurrence Reported form.
- Pure Financial loss coverage.
- Environmental Liability.
- Feedlot and “food chain” exposures.
- Decennial Liability
Excess of Loss Only for the following classes:
- Beach-front resorts.
- Equestrian, motorised water-sports, theme parks and zip-lines.
- Large shopping centres
Policy Periods:
- 12 months (up to 18 months odd-time)
- Construction Projects up to 36 months with up to 24 months Completed Ops Cover